A ringing smartphone

ALERT only. FEB 17th  FRI. 13.28 – PEN Y GHENT, NORTH YORKSHIRE – ALERT No 2 of 2023

Two people with two dogs reported themselves stranded on the path down over the crags at the southern end (‘the sharp end’) of Pen y ghent in very strong wind. They asked the Police for Mountain Rescue, but as members were preparing to set out, the duty controller received a call to say that they had been assisted by other walkers and were returning to the summit before taking the…

INCIDENT 10/2021 – Apr. 5th Mon. 15.13 – Ingleton Waterfalls Trail, Thornton in Lonsdale, North Yorkshire. – Mountain Incident

YAS called CRO following a report that a child (m, 8) had a leg injury and was on the ‘side of a cliff, waterfall at bottom, halfway up on rocky verge, stuck unable to get down, equivalent of 4 floors up’.  With other members on stand-by and a report that someone was trying to help, a controller went to assess the situation before calling local team members. He found that…

INCIDENT 02/2021 – Jan. 15th Fri. 16.40 – Whernside summit, Ingleton, North Yorkshire. – Mountain Incident

A walker (m, 24) called for help, saying he was stranded on the summit of Whernside, couldn’t find his way off and couldn’t breathe, because of his asthma. A small group of CRO members set off on foot and a controller telephoned the ‘casualty’, several times. The only responses tailed off incoherently, so an enquiry was made for an air ambulance.  Although the weather was clear on Whernside, the appropriate…

INCIDENT 70/2020 – Oct. 7th Wed. 16.46 – Southerscales Fell, Ingleborough – Mountain Incident

Having taken the temporary diversion path to Ingleborough from Chapel le dale, two walkers (m 37, f 34) reported themselves unable to descend, because of the steepness and apparent instability of the fell-side. The Duty Controller persuaded them to continue on the informal path towards Park Fell and descend towards Colt Park or Ribblehead. Their location was confirmed by PhoneFind, then their phone signal was lost, but the small group…