Incident 45/2018 – Jul. 14th Sat 15.06 ‘Brothers Wall’, Crummackdale, Austwick, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A climber (m, 48) was reported to have fallen, sustaining a dislocation fracture of one wrist, in Crummackdale. After initial confusion, when the grid reference provided by the ambulance service indicated the head of Crummackdale, but the Yorkshire Air Ambulance landed below the scar above Wharfe, the correct location was identified. After air ambulance paramedics had splinted the rather deformed wrist, CRO members sledged and carried the patient, by stretcher,…

Incident 48/2016 – Jul 3rd Sun. 18.42 – Oxenber Scar, Austwick, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A climber (M, 31) sustained a badly dislocated/query broken ankle when the handhold he was using gave way, sending the piece of rock down onto his lower leg. He was able to do a controlled descent before calling for help. The climber was given first aid treatment and pain relief by team members, before being splinted and then carried by stretcher to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance which had landed at…

Incident 40/2016 – Jun 7th Mon. 17.55 – Dike Green, Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue

The team were contacted by a farmer who had a lamb trapped in a small culvert, and was unable to extricate it. A small party of team members was dispatched to attempt the recovery. The lamb was stuck in a 15″ diameter disused culvert, where it had gone to seek some shade, and then got stuck, moving deeper underground, as it was unable to turn around. Attempts to hook the…