Yorkshire Ambulance Service received a report of someone having been seen falling from the top of Malham Cove. Having dispatched a road ambulance, rapid response vehicle, HART team and air ambulance, they also called out CRO. Ambulance personnel determined that life was extinct. When North Yorkshire Police’s formalities had been completed, CRO members searched the top of the Cove for any property or evidence, then carried the deceased to a…
Mountain Rescue
INCIDENT 44/2019 – Jun. 2nd. Sun. 12.17hrs – Little Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident
Whilst team members were busy at our Depot, cleaning and sorting equipment from the previous day’s incidents, a call was received to a walker (F,44) suffering a cardiac event on the steep climb above Gaping Gill. Being on site, the team were able to quickly despatch a full party to the location, and arrived on site simultaneously with the Yorkshire Air Ambulance. Once the casualty had been assessed, team members…
INCIDENT 43/2019 – Jun. 1st. Sat. 18.12hrs – Malham Cove Top, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident
Whilst both incidents 41 and 42 were in progress, a further call was received to reports of a walker suffering a possible cardiac event on top of Malham Cove. The ambulance service were asked to task Upper Wharfedale with the incident, whilst CRO released 2 surface team members from the Curtain Pot incident, only 3 miles away, to assist. Fortunately, the Yorkshire Air Ambulance was able to make it to…
INCIDENT 40/2019 – May 29th. Wed. 15.09hrs – Near Gaping Gill Hole, Ingleborough, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident
The caving club operating the winch into Gaping Gill called North Yorkshire Police to ask for assistance with a member (m, 46) experiencing an irregular and very rapid heartbeat, on the surface, near GG. A helicopter was requested, but as the North West Air Ambulance approached, the cloud and drizzle descended, making air evacuation too risky. CRO members, who had been standing by, drove team Land Rovers up the hill,…