INCIDENT 81/2020 – Nov. 29th Sun. 15.42 – Blea Moor / Ribblehead area, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident

As members were back at Clapham, cleaning the Whernside mud from equipment, a further call was received. A member of a family party (f, 13) was reported to have separated from her parents on Blea Moor at about 14.30. When the parents returned to their car, she was nowhere to be seen, so NYP and CRO personnel were organised to search. As the first CRO team, with a search dog,…

INCIDENT 65/2020 – Sep. 19th Sat. 21.04 hrs – Ingleborough – Mountain Incident

A walker made a 999 call to North Yorkshire Police, saying that her companion had fallen and was injured, while they (f, f) were walking the Three Peaks. Before any more information could be passed, the call ceased and the NYP Force Control Room was unable to re-connect. All that was known was the phone network and the network’s approximation of the caller’s location – Simon Fell Breast, on the…

INCIDENT 16/2019 – Apr. 7th. Sun. 19.41hrs – Rayside Plantation, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A group of walkers doing the three peaks walk decided to descend from the summit of Ingleborough to finish their walk in Clapham village. During the descent, two members of the party developed leg injuries which prevented them from completing the walk. They waited for help whilst the rest of the group continued. CRO initiated a recce of the reported location of the injured walkers; but they were not found…

Incident 72/2017 – Sep. 21st Thu. 14.36 – Colt Park, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.

Following a search of mixed grassland and limestone pavement by farmers and local volunteers from Natural England, an in-calf, pedigree heifer was reported missing from a small herd near Colt Park, Ribblehead. A further search of woodland and mixed terrain by farmers and CRO members yielded no result, so the search area was widened with CRO’s first use of a drone-mounted video camera. As the search continued, one of the…