INCIDENT 26/2020 – Jun. 19th. Fri. 15.05hrs – Downstream of Snow Falls, Ingleton Waterfalls Trail – Mountain Incident

YAS requested assistance when their ambulance paramedics were unable to locate a visitor (f, 55), reported to have been taken ill on the return leg of the Waterfalls Trail. She was found, a little way downstream of the Snow Falls footbridge, assessed by a paramedic team member and assisted to a team vehicle. This took her to the road-head, where she was handed over to the YAS paramedic crew for…

INCIDENT 24/2020 – Jun. 14th. Sun. 13.28hrs – Hull Pot, Horton in Ribblesdale – Animal Incident

A spaniel fell the 12m into Hull Pot (Described by the caller as “100′ “.) and could be seen moving on the floor of the open Pot. A small team attended and cared for the dog, before hauling it out on a Bell stretcher. The owner and dog were driven down to Horton in a CRO vehicle to enable them to attend the veterinary surgeon in Settle. Suspected fractures. Postscript: …