INCIDENT 69/2019 – Aug 10th. Sat 13.55hrs – Flood Entrance, Gaping Gill, Clapham. North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue

A caver (m, 20) was reported by Craven Pothole Club (operating the GG winch) to be hung up on the rope in SE Pot.  He had gone too low on a re-belay and had been unable to return. However, he was rescued by CPC members, escorted to the Main Chamber and winched up to the surface, before CRO members arrived.  He was slightly hypothermic, so was sheltered and given warm…

A ringing smartphone

Alert only – Feb. 16th Sat. 15.07hrs – Roaring Hole, Chapel le Dale, North Yorkshire – Alert only

Two cavers were reported to be ‘trapped’, two hours after entering Roaring Hole, near Southerscales, Ingleton.  Ten minutes later they were reported to be on the surface and walking back down to Chapel le Dale, so no further action was required. Volunteer hours: 0.2  

Incident 35/2018 – Jun. 4th Mon 05.32 Lost John’s System, Leck, Lancashire – Cave Rescue

Two cavers were reported to be more than five hours overdue from a through trip between Lost John’s and Notts 2, which they had estimated would take four hours (20.00 Sunday to 00.00 Monday). CRO members began searching in the two pots referred to, being joined by people on CRO’s ‘cavers’ list* and members of UWFRA to investigate other holes on that part of Leck Fell. Eventually, the ‘mispers’ were…