Incident 12/2018 – Mar. 24th Sat. 13.41 Craven Way Old Road, Dent, Cumbria – Mountain Rescue

A walker (f, 16), on a Gold practice expedition, was taken ill on the Craven Way, to the South-East of Dent.  CRO and the Great North Air Ambulance responded. After the GNAA paramedic had assessed the patient, she was assisted to a team Land Rover, driven down to the road near Whernside Manor and transferred to a NWAS road ambulance for the journey to Westmorland General Hospital. Volunteer hours:  30  

Incident 8/2018 – Mar. 9th Thu. 14.20 Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 69) slipped and fell, immediately after leaving the Ingleborough summit plateau on the path towards Crina Bottom and Ingleton.  His fall was witnessed by a mountain biker who phoned for help, then she was joined by a passing fell-runner, who used his own first aid kit to staunch the flow of blood from the deep scalp wound. CRO members were called out and an air ambulance requested.…

Incident 50/2016 – Jul 12th Tue. 13.20 – Giggleswick Scar, Settle, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A climber (m 61) was being lowered from the top of a climb by his belayer when a very large piece of rock became detached from the crag above him. The rock hit his head, caused a suspected fracture of his shoulder and abrasions to his back. He was treated at the foot of the crag by CRO members before being secured in to a stretcher and winched up into…