INCIDENT 77/2019 – Aug 31st. Sat. 09.30hrs – Near summit of Pen y ghent, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 31) was reported to be having a fit, then breathing but unconscious, just above the upper tier of rocks on the ascent of Pen y ghent. When he regained consciousness, his companions and a passing doctor moved him to the shelter of the ridge wall as the weather was a bit wild.  Team members assembled near Dale Head, as the air ambulance circled overhead. With the cloud…

INCIDENT 73/2019 – Aug 20th. Tue. 15.13hrs – Pennine Bridleway, nr Langscar, Malham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two mountain bikers (m, 37; m, 34) hit a large rock, almost simultaneously, and were unseated near the westernmost point of the Settle Loop of the Pennine Bridleway. One appeared to have a shoulder injury and the other was confused after a blow to the head. After assessment by paramedics from the YAA air ambulance, they were able to board a YAS road ambulance (800m off tarmac!) to be taken…

INCIDENT 68/2019 – Aug 9th. Fri 20.49hrs – Top of Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 61) reached the top of Malham Cove, but, immediately on arrival, slipped on the wet limestone pavement, injuring his hip or upper leg in such a way that he could not stand. Immediately after a CRO controller and YAS ambulance personnel arrived at the road-head, an air ambulance (YAA) flew in and landed quite close to the casualty site. After attention from the ambulance personnel, CRO members…

INCIDENT 37/2019 – May 19th. Sun. 11.48hrs – Summit ridge, Whernside, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident

A walker (f, 56) slipped and fell, sustaining head and wrist injuries while walking from the Whernside trig point to the beginning of the steep descent to Bruntscar. With some difficulty, the duty controller used PhoneFind to confirm the casualty’s location as being on the ridge. By this time an air ambulance was en route , so the full team was not called. Another controller was able to talk the…