A ringing smartphone

ALERT only 13th Fri. 16.06 – WHERNSIDE, NORTH YORKSHIRE – ALERT No 2 of 2022

Concern was expressed for a walker, described as ‘struggling’ on the steps coming off Whernside. His wife had expected to meet him at the Station Inn, Ribblehead, but ten minutes after the CRO duty controller was alerted, he spoke to the walker who had just phoned his wife to say he was in Horton in Ribblesdale. Volunteer hours: 0.25

A ringing smartphone


A husband, waiting in Clapham car park for his wife and another Three Peaks walker to descend from Ingleborough, reported them overdue. With 20% battery on her phone, she had switched it off to save power, so it was not possible to contact her or use PhoneFind. Team members were asked to show their availability for a rapid search of potential routes, but before any further action was taken, the caller…

INCIDENT 20/2022 – APRIL 3rd Sun 15.56 Simpson’s Pot, Thornton in Lonsdale, North Yorkshire – Cave Incident

A group of two adults and six teenagers was reported overdue on a ‘pull-through’ trip from Simpson’s Pot to Valley Entrance in West Kingsdale. As team members were responding, news was received that they had just emerged, ‘safe and well’, so all stood down. Volunteer hours: 10  

A ringing smartphone

ALERT Only – Dec. 11th Sat. 20.11 – Sell Gill Holes, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Alert No. 10 of 2021

Four cavers (all m, early twenties) were reported overdue on a trip into Sell Gill Holes. Team members were put on stand-by while the duty controller made enquiries, but the reporting person soon told him that two of the party were out of the hole, the other two were de-tackling the route out and all were safe. Team members were thanked and stood down. It seems that the group’s exit…