INCIDENT 19/2020 – May 28th. Thu. 15.24hrs – Field path, above Malham Cove, Mountain Incident

Yorkshire Ambulance Service asked for assistance after a walker (f, 42) slipped on the path from Malham Rakes (a.k.a. ‘the Tarn road’) to the top of Malham Cove, sustaining a serious ankle fracture. When YAS paramedics had treated her, team members took her, on a wheeled stretcher, to the road-head and the waiting road ambulance. Although normally a very simple type of incident, this stretcher evacuation was slowed by the…

Covid-19 – Latest Position Statement from Cave Rescue Organisation 13th May 2020 (updated 18th May 2020)

Hello, we hope everyone is safe and well – BCRC (British Cave Rescue Council) has now issued it’s latest guidance for cavers and mine explorers. The message is in line with the statement issued by CNCC (Council for Northern Caving Clubs). CRO’s role is not to police the fells, and our messaging so far has been aimed solely at reducing the risk not only to individuals, but importantly to our…

INCIDENT 17/2020 – May. 8th. Fri. 15.12hrs – North of Bruntscar, Chapel le Dale, Mountain Incident

The team were tasked by North Yorkshire Police to a walker (M,+/-29) suffering from a leg injury struggling to walk ‘somewhere just north of Bruntscar’. Despite having a good phone signal (according to the walker when he made the call), the duty controller was unable to make contact with him to establish his precise location. To minimise risk to team members, a single team member responded to try and identify…