INCIDENT 6/2020 – Jan. 23rd. Thu. 19.12hrs – Black Dub Moss, Horton in Ribblesdale – Mountain Incident

Two Three Peaks walkers (m,30; m,30) reported themselves ‘in a field and completely lost’, as well as ‘surrounded by swamp up to their knees’, between Birkwith and Pen y ghent. The Phonefind app, used by the duty controller, indicated that the missing pair were on the edge of Black Dub Moss. Groups of team members approached from Birkwith and Horton Scar Lane, soon locating the mispers, then guiding them to…

INCIDENT 80/2019 – Sep 18th. Wed. 07.18hrs – Pen-y-ghent, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

CRO were called to assist Yorkshire Ambulance Service (YAS) and Yorkshire Air Ambulance (YAA) with a casualty (m 67) reported to be unconscious having sustained a head injury during a significant fall on rock bands near to the summit of Pen-y-ghent. YAS also advised that CPR was underway. Attempts by YAA paramedics and others to revive the casualty were unsuccessful. CRO team members used ropes to lower the casualty in…

INCIDENT 79/2019 – Sep 15th. Sun. 21.27hrs – Three Peaks Walk, Pen-y-ghent, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two walkers were attempting to complete the 3 peaks walk; with Pen-y-ghent to be their last summit of the day. Due to delays experienced earlier in the day, they found themselves approaching Pen-y-ghent at dusk. After it became dark they reported themselves lost and described being beside a wall, in a boggy area, with the summit of Pen-y-ghent on their left hand side. Attempts by the police and CRO to…

INCIDENT 77/2019 – Aug 31st. Sat. 09.30hrs – Near summit of Pen y ghent, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 31) was reported to be having a fit, then breathing but unconscious, just above the upper tier of rocks on the ascent of Pen y ghent. When he regained consciousness, his companions and a passing doctor moved him to the shelter of the ridge wall as the weather was a bit wild.  Team members assembled near Dale Head, as the air ambulance circled overhead. With the cloud…