INCIDENT 78/2020 – Nov. 17th Tue. 16.24 – Southerscales Fell, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident

A walker (f, ) slipped on the steep (temporary diversion) path on the Chapel-le-Dale side of Ingleborough, sometime after 15.00 hrs. As neither the injured person nor her father could get a signal on their mobile phones, a passer-by called 999 and asked the police for mountain rescue. Unknown to the CRO duty controller, the call went to a neighbouring police force and was passed to NYP, who interpreted the…

INCIDENT 73/2020 – Oct. 26th Mon. 14.08 – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident

A call was received from North Yorkshire Police to a report of a walker (f) who had sustained a lower leg injury. Although with 3 companions, and able to walk slowly with assistance, they requested help due to the distance back to their vehicle, and the weather conditions which had left the party cold and wet (heavy rain showers and a cold gusty wind). Team members responded to a rendezvous…

INCIDENT 67/2020 – Sep. 27th Sun. 10.18 hrs – Birkwith – Mountain Incident

A walker (m 26) slipped and felt his ankle “crunch”. The injured person’s ankle was splinted by CRO team members and he was carried in a stretcher a short distance to a CRO Land Rover. He was taken to the car park in Horton-in Ribblesdale from where his partner drove him to their local hospital. Volunteer hours: 24

INCIDENT 65/2020 – Sep. 19th Sat. 21.04 hrs – Ingleborough – Mountain Incident

A walker made a 999 call to North Yorkshire Police, saying that her companion had fallen and was injured, while they (f, f) were walking the Three Peaks. Before any more information could be passed, the call ceased and the NYP Force Control Room was unable to re-connect. All that was known was the phone network and the network’s approximation of the caller’s location – Simon Fell Breast, on the…