A Border Collie dog fell 25 or 30m from the top of Giggleswick Quarry, landing on a ledge which is covered in loose rock. NYF&RS’s Settle firefighters attended, then members of CRO were called. When one member began roping down, the edge was found to be rather loose, so there was a delay while the team’s Larkin Frame* was brought from Clapham. This was erected and fixed in position. The…

A ringing smartphone

ALERT Only – Aug 23rd Mon. 16.39 – Gordale Scar, Malham, North Yorkshire – Alert No. 8 of 2021

A walker was reported to be having difficulty with his dog, which was described as ‘panicking’, near the top of the lower fall in Gordale Scar. When the duty controller phoned the reporting person, he was told that other walkers had helped the walker and dog up to safety. CRO’s assistance was not needed. Volunteer hours: 0.25  

INCIDENT 98/2019 – Dec. 10th. Tue. 15.19hrs – Pennine Way, Jackdaw Hill, Horton in Ribblesdale – Mountain Incident

A walker reported that his companion (m) had developed hypothermia on the Pennine Way  ‘2 miles’ north of Horton in Ribblesdale. He had been trying to carry his large dog, which was in a similar state of collapse. When team members arrived, the casualty and dog were in a group shelter and recovering. All were transported back to their car, in Horton. It seems that they had walked from Horton…

INCIDENT 62/2019 – July 31st. Wed. 12.53hrs – Below Pecca Falls, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue

A family’s 5-year old German Shepherd went just off the path, slipped down the slope, then plunged into the river, just below Pecca Falls. It was last seen just above Pecca Bridge.  CRO was called via North Yorkshire Police and team members attended, to search for the dog. Three of them, wearing dry-suits and with swift-water rescue kit, abseiled in to the gorge and searched the pools, as best they…