Incident 7/2018 – Feb. 22nd Thu. 11.07 Hunterstye, Crummackdale, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m,71) fell descending the steep hill from Moughton, and sustained serious injuries to his face and head. The Yorkshire air ambulance was able to drop paramedics nearby, but then had to land at the bottom of the hill due to a lack of suitable landing places near the casualty. When team members arrived on scene, they assisted the paramedics in packaging the casualty in a team stretcher, and…

Incident 6/2018 – Feb. 17th Sat. 15.00 Trow Gill, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Having stepped off the path while walking down through Trow Gill, a walker (f, 46) slipped on wet grass, sustaining a suspected lower leg fracture. After splinting the leg, CRO members carried her to a team vehicle for the drive down to Clapham and transfer to a waiting road ambulance. . Volunteer hours:12  

Incident 2/2018 – Jan. 9th Wed. 12.45 Thornton Force, Nr. Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

The team were called by Yorkshire Ambulance Service to assist a walker (f,26) who had fallen and sustained chest injuries whilst undertaking the Waterfalls Walk. Team members arrived on scene and after verifying that the casualty was able to walk with assistance, were able to escort the woman to a team vehicle where she was assessed by a YAS paramedic before transfer to hospital. Volunteer hours: 8