INCIDENT 13/2019 – Mar. 24th. Sun. 13.33hrs – Path to Pen y ghent, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

While trying to take a photograph from the top of a limestone outcrop, on the path from Brackenbottom to Pen y ghent, a walker (m, 13) fell on to rocks, below, sustaining suspected chest injuries. After attention from a YAS paramedic, it was agreed that he could walk the short distance to a CRO Land Rover, which took him down to a YAS road ambulance, waiting near Brackenbottom. Volunteer hours:…

INCIDENT 03/2019 – Jan. 19th. Sat. 08.51hrs – Pen y ghent, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 40) slipped on ice and heard a snap from his right ankle, just below the summit of Pen y ghent, on the path towards Hull Pot. CRO members responded, but as many of the team’s most active members were just beginning a day’s casualty care training, over at Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association’s base in Grassington, a small group also set off from there, in an UWFRA…

INCIDENT 67/2018 – Dec. 2nd. 11.39hrs – Pen-y-ghent Side, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

The team were contacted by North Yorkshire Police after a walker reported herself lost and requesting advice, having set out to walk Pen-y-ghent. Despite a poor signal, the police control staff were able to get a location for the caller before losing the call. A small team were dispatched to locate the walker, and as they approached the reported position, they came across her, with a companion, making their way…

INCIDENT 63/2018 – Nov. 4th Sun. 14.05hrs – Pen-y-ghent, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

The team were called to a walker on Pen-y-ghent summit who had jarred their back, resulting in much reduced mobility. Together with the Yorkshire Air Ambulance, on arrival at the rendezvous point at Dale Head, it was found that the cloud base prevented the air ambulance accessing the casualty. Instead, the pilot dropped his paramedics off on the hill at the base of the cloud mass, at about 600 metres…