INCIDENT 93/2019 – Nov. 5th. Tue. 12.14hrs – Sheriff Hill, Malham – Mountain Incident

A walker (f, 55), slipped on the muddy path from the top of Malham Cove to Malham Rakes, sustaining an ankle injury. After resolving erroneous location and contact information, CRO members arrived at the road-head in time to find YAS and YAA personnel carrying the injured walker to the road ambulance. Enjoying a ‘bird’s eye view’ from the air ambulance, members of the crew were able to share an accurate…

INCIDENT 86/2019 – Oct. 14th. Mon. 12.21hrs – Malham Cove, Malham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 69) experienced a dizzy spell, fell and sustained a head injury at the top of the steps onto the top of Malham Cove. Air ambulance paramedics, arriving first, assessed the patient, then walked him to a road ambulance, waiting at the top of Cove Road. Team members stood by, with a stretcher, in case any assistance was required. Volunteer hours  17

INCIDENT 74/2019 – Aug 21st. Wed. 13.56hrs – On rocks at the foot of Malham Cove, Malham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A visitor (f, 56) slipped on wet rocks, at the edge of Malham Beck, close to Malham Cove, landing on her face, gashing her nose and dazing herself. When YAS paramedics and CRO members arrived, she had recovered sufficiently to walk, with assistance, to a team vehicle. This took her to the YAS road ambulance, down at Town Head, Malham, where the paramedics were able to assess her, away from…

INCIDENT 68/2019 – Aug 9th. Fri 20.49hrs – Top of Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (m, 61) reached the top of Malham Cove, but, immediately on arrival, slipped on the wet limestone pavement, injuring his hip or upper leg in such a way that he could not stand. Immediately after a CRO controller and YAS ambulance personnel arrived at the road-head, an air ambulance (YAA) flew in and landed quite close to the casualty site. After attention from the ambulance personnel, CRO members…