INCIDENT 9/2020 – Feb. 14th. Fri. 00.37hrs – Ease Gill system, Casterton, Cumbria – Cave Incident

Concern was expressed for four cavers, overdue between Lancaster Hole and Wretched Rabbit, in the Ease Gill system. However, realising that there was a risk of causing an un-necessary call-out, the cavers split up at Stop Pot, with the faster two hurrying back to Bull Pot Farm. Unfortunately, they missed their way and were late back. When contacted by a CRO controller, the two at Bull Pot Farm reported the…

INCIDENT 2/2020 – Jan. 11th. Sat. 21.56hrs – Large Pot – Rift Pot, Thornton in Lonsdale,  – Cave Incident

Four cavers (all m) were reported ‘stuck’ while on an exchange trip (two each way) between Large Pot and Rift Pot, beneath the fell, above Masongill. Although not strictly ‘overdue’ (They had given a ‘call-out time’ of 23.00.), they had gone underground as it began to rain and had been there for almost nine hours – three or four hours (?) longer than they might have expected. With heavy rain…

INCIDENT 101/2019 – Dec. 19th. Thu. 00.06hrs – The Gaping Gill System, Clapham – Cave Incident

A group of nine cavers went in to Gaping Gill by various routes, meeting up in the Main Chamber.  After all the others were out safely, via Bar Pot, two (m, 22; m, 22) were reported overdue. They had tried to exit via Corky’s Pot, but realised that water levels had risen, so retreated to Bar Pot, which had been de-rigged. One CRO team set off into Corky’s Pot, but…

INCIDENT 69/2019 – Aug 10th. Sat 13.55hrs – Flood Entrance, Gaping Gill, Clapham. North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue

A caver (m, 20) was reported by Craven Pothole Club (operating the GG winch) to be hung up on the rope in SE Pot.  He had gone too low on a re-belay and had been unable to return. However, he was rescued by CPC members, escorted to the Main Chamber and winched up to the surface, before CRO members arrived.  He was slightly hypothermic, so was sheltered and given warm…