A DofE group, accompanied by supervisors, came across what appeared to be a deceased lone walker at the summit shelter on Ingleborough. Whilst a supervisor called for help and escorted the distressed youngsters down the hill, others erected a tent to protect the casualty pending the arrival of the team. With low cloud and poor visibility, the air ambulance was unable to access the scene directly, so team members, accompanied…
INCIDENT 63/2019 – Aug 3rd. Sat. 20.04hrs – The Allotment, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A walker (f 50) participating in a 3 peaks charity walk developed pain in her right hip and knee during her decent from Ingleborough. On route to Horton in Ribblesdale, in the vicinity of Nick Pot, she was unable to continue walking. CRO team members and a Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedic treated the walker and carried her in a stretcher to a CRO vehicle for transport off the hill to…
INCIDENT 60/2019 – July 25th. Thu. 19.16hrs – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
In extremely hot and humid weather, a Three Peaks walker (m, 31) suffered prolonged and incapacitating cramp in one leg, reportedly on the summit of Ingleborough. Because of communication problems, it was not possible to confirm his party’s location, so a small, fast group of team members ran up from Crina Bottom, with first aid kit and drinks. While they were en route, the casualty party’s position was confirmed as…
INCIDENT 54/2019 – July 9th. Tue. 23.42hrs – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident
Three inexperienced walkers, attempting the Three Peaks, reported themselves lost, but uninjured on Ingleborough. The Phonefind app showed them to be on the Swinetail, from where they were advised by phone to return to the summit shelter. This they did, but declined to risk trying to find a way off and were instructed to stay at the shelter. One member ran up the hill from Newby, one remained at home…