A DofE group, accompanied by supervisors, came across what appeared to be a deceased lone walker at the summit shelter on Ingleborough. Whilst a supervisor called for help and escorted the distressed youngsters down the hill, others erected a tent to protect the casualty pending the arrival of the team. With low cloud and poor visibility, the air ambulance was unable to access the scene directly, so team members, accompanied…
Mountain Rescue
INCIDENT 74/2019 – Aug 21st. Wed. 13.56hrs – On rocks at the foot of Malham Cove, Malham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A visitor (f, 56) slipped on wet rocks, at the edge of Malham Beck, close to Malham Cove, landing on her face, gashing her nose and dazing herself. When YAS paramedics and CRO members arrived, she had recovered sufficiently to walk, with assistance, to a team vehicle. This took her to the YAS road ambulance, down at Town Head, Malham, where the paramedics were able to assess her, away from…
INCIDENT 73/2019 – Aug 20th. Tue. 15.13hrs – Pennine Bridleway, nr Langscar, Malham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
Two mountain bikers (m, 37; m, 34) hit a large rock, almost simultaneously, and were unseated near the westernmost point of the Settle Loop of the Pennine Bridleway. One appeared to have a shoulder injury and the other was confused after a blow to the head. After assessment by paramedics from the YAA air ambulance, they were able to board a YAS road ambulance (800m off tarmac!) to be taken…
INCIDENT 72/2019 – Aug 19th. Mon 11.47hrs – Pecca Falls, Ingleton Waterfalls Trail, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A visitor (m, 79) was reported to have collapsed on the outward leg of the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail, near Pecca Falls, although later information as to location appeared confused. A ‘hasty party’ of CRO members located him and after assessing him, they and team re-inforcements carried the patient to a team vehicle. This took him and a YAA/YAS paramedic round to the road ambulance, waiting in the main Falls car…