Incident 78/2017 – Oct. 11th Wed. 14.23 – Malham Cove, Malham, North Yorkshire – Local Incident.

North Yorkshire Police asked for assistance in recovering a body from the base of Malham Cove. The deceased was carried across a very fast-flowing beck, then driven down to the village where she was handed over to the undertaker. Meanwhile, a small group of team members went to the top of the Cove to check the edge for any personal possessions or ‘evidence’. FATAL Volunteer hours: 50

Incident 47/2017 – July 15th Sat. 16.10 – Ingleton Playing Fields, North Yorkshire – Local Incident.

Whilst providing first aid cover for the Ingleton Fell Race and Gala day, one of the last runners home (m,44) slipped and sustained a fracture to his right lower leg as he descended the grass slope just before the finish line. The casualty was splinted and given pain relief, pending the arrival of Yorkshire Ambulance Service. In addition, several runners were treated for minor cuts and grazes upon completion of…

Incident 94/2016 – Nov. 26th Sat. 23.11 – Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

North Yorkshire Police requested assistance in recovering a deceased casualty (m,20) from the foot of Malham Cove. He was carried to a team Land Rover for transport down to the village. A small-scale search at the top of the Cove produced his possessions which were handed over to the Police. FATAL Volunteer hours: 42

Incident 92/2016 – Nov. 19th Sat. 14.58 – Long Preston, North Yorkshire – Local Incident.

The team were called by Yorkshire Ambulance Service to a a casualty (m,17) with a suspected lower leg fracture, about 1 mile from a road. YAS had no resources to attend, due to high call demand. The team responded and provided pain relief to the casualty before moving him to a local farm where assessment and splinting was undertaken. The casualty was then conveyed to hospital by a relative for…