A local man was taken ill on the Nature Trail. CRO members used a team vehicle to return him to Clapham and hand him over to Yorkshire Ambulance Service personnel. Volunteer hours: 3
Local Support Rescue
Incident 32/2016 – May 14th Sat. 13.00 – Malham (fell race), North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A fell-runner (f,15) was ill, after completing a fell-race, possibly as a result of a vaccination four days earlier. Treated by a CRO member and recovered in about half an hour. Volunteer hours: 1.5
Incident 27/2016 – May 6th Fri. 09.11 – Ribblehead area, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
Assist North Yorkshire Police in search for person missing from home (f, 27) and known to be at serious risk. Found, unharmed, on the embankment at the North end of the viaduct, by a Police dog and handler, as CRO members and SARDA dog searched adjacent areas. A Police helicopter had also been involved in the search. Volunteer hours: 32
Incident 18/2016 – April 10th Sun. 15:20 – A65, Newby, North Yorkshire – Local Incident (RTC)
Whilst returning from the incident at Ribblehead, one of our vehicles came across a road traffic collision involving a motorcyclist. Team members provided initial first aid and called the Police and Ambulance Service. Once the ambulance servcie attended, team members handed over to them, and returned to base. Volunteer hours: 3