A ringing smartphone

Alert only – Feb. 15th. Sat. 11.25hrs – Craven District – Alert No. 2 of 2020

With heavy rain and widespread flooding anticipated, rescue teams across North Yorkshire were asked, on Friday evening, to say what swift-water rescue resources they would have available. On Saturday morning, CRO and UWFRA sent representatives to the ‘Craven Bronze Hub’ in Skipton, to help co-ordinate emergency service responses. In the event, there was little significant flooding in Craven and the ‘hub’ closed down at 19.46 hrs. Volunteer hours: 17  

A ringing smartphone

Alert only – Feb. 9th. Sun. 13.25hrs – Pateley Bridge – Alert No. 1 of 2020

Heavy rain, overnight, caused widespread flooding across northern England. With a serious situation seeming to develop in Nidderdale, Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association asked the other North Yorkshire teams what swift-water rescue resources they had available and put them on ‘stand-by’. In the event, the task was covered by the home team and the others stood down. Volunteer hours: 8  

A ringing smartphone

Alert only – Dec. 15th. Sun. 14.06hrs – Lythe Fell Road, Lowgill, Lancashire – Alert No. 15 of 2019

A patient (f), driving herself to hospital for essential medical treatment, became stuck in snow, on a very remote, moorland road. Lancashire Constabulary’s Force Incident Manager alerted CRO, but when the duty controller rang in, the FIM advised that a local farmer had arrived on scene and had been able to set the driver on her way. CRO not needed. Volunteer mins: 5