With heavy rain and widespread flooding anticipated, rescue teams across North Yorkshire were asked, on Friday evening, to say what swift-water rescue resources they would have available. On Saturday morning, CRO and UWFRA sent representatives to the ‘Craven Bronze Hub’ in Skipton, to help co-ordinate emergency service responses. In the event, there was little significant flooding in Craven and the ‘hub’ closed down at 19.46 hrs. Volunteer hours: 17
Alerts only
Alert only – Feb. 9th. Sun. 13.25hrs – Pateley Bridge – Alert No. 1 of 2020
Heavy rain, overnight, caused widespread flooding across northern England. With a serious situation seeming to develop in Nidderdale, Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association asked the other North Yorkshire teams what swift-water rescue resources they had available and put them on ‘stand-by’. In the event, the task was covered by the home team and the others stood down. Volunteer hours: 8
Alert only – Dec. 15th. Sun. 14.06hrs – Lythe Fell Road, Lowgill, Lancashire – Alert No. 15 of 2019
A patient (f), driving herself to hospital for essential medical treatment, became stuck in snow, on a very remote, moorland road. Lancashire Constabulary’s Force Incident Manager alerted CRO, but when the duty controller rang in, the FIM advised that a local farmer had arrived on scene and had been able to set the driver on her way. CRO not needed. Volunteer mins: 5
Alert only – Nov. 16th. Sat. 17.59hrs – Ingleborough – Alert No. 14 of 2019
Two people lost the path descending Ingleborough in darkness. Another party of walkers were passing and helped them to locate the correct descent path to the Hill Inn. Progress was monitored using the phonefind utlity until they were off the hill safely. Volunteer hrs: 2