A woman reported that her daughter, undertaking the 3 Yorkshire Peaks alone, was stuck ‘near a steep drop’, ‘somewhere on Ingleborough’, with a failing phone battery. With thick cloud limiting visibility to about 5 metres, the walker had lost confidence and was unable to find her way off, having only a guide book for directions. Phone find technology failed to locate the walkers position, so a full search was initiated,…
INCIDENT 52/2018 – Aug. 13th Mon. 16.47hrs – Gaping Gill, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A visitor to the winch meet at Gaping Gill slipped as they were approaching the site, sustaining an injury to their left knee which left them unable to bare weight on the leg. A team vehicle with 2 members on board was despatched. After assessing the injury, the casualty was brought down to Clapham, from where they were taken home by a family member. Volunteer hours:6
Alert only – Aug. 11th Sat. 21.49hrs – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Alert only
A caller contacted North Yorkshire Police to ‘express concern’ for 2 male walkers she had seen some 2 and a half hours earlier on Ingleborough, because they looked as though they were ‘struggling and not well equipped’. Given the time elapsed, and the fact that ‘struggling and not well equipped’ could equally apply to probably 50% of those who attempt the Yorshire 3 Peaks Challenge each year, the Duty Controller…
INCIDENT 51/2018 – Aug. 11th Sat. 12.50hrs – Hunt’s Cross, Westhouse, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A 71yo, whilst assisting with a group of paragliding enthusiasts, slipped on rocks and sustained a deep laceration to his right shin, and was unable to walk. The team conveyed a Yorkshire Ambulance Service paramedic to the casualties location, and then packaged the casualty for sledging by stretcher back to the road ambulance. From there he was conveyed to hospital for further treatment. Volunteer hours: 17