North Yorkshire Police received a call from an obviously distressed Three Peaks walker (f, 32) who said she was lost on Ingleborough. The sound quality was very poor, then the call dropped out altogether. Force Control Room personnel recorded that there had been an earlier call from the group she had been walking with, reporting that she ‘got left behind’. On being alerted, CRO controllers were unable to contact the…
walker. ingleborough
As team members were leaving Pen y ghent, NYP advised that two walkers (f, f) on the Three Peaks Walk had reported themselves lost but uninjured on Ingleborough and with daylight fading. NYP’s Force Control Room staff were able to provide a location, which translated as being between Gaping Gill and Bar Pot, above Clapham. While most members who had been on Pen y ghent waited at CRO Base in…
INCIDENT 17/2021 – May 15th Sat. 13.12 – Path across the head of The Allotment, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire. – Mountain Incident
A walker (f, 58) fell on the path from Simon Fell Breast to Sulber Nick, on Ingleborough, sustaining a deep gash just below her knee-cap. The call was originally sent to Swaledale MRT, but they transferred the call to CRO as soon as the location was clarified. The team’ s Honda Pioneer was driven from near Clapham almost to the patient, while two Land Rovers, with more members, went via…
ALERT Only -May 1st Sat. 23.30 – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Alert No. 3 of 2021
UWFRA forwarded an alert from North Yorkshire Police regarding two Three Peaks walkers who had become separated from a bigger group after losing the path on Ingleborough. Reportedly, they had made their 999 call from a mobile phone with 1% battery. When the Duty Controller called the Force Control Room, the group had just called back to say that all were re-united and on their way home. Volunteer Hours: 0.5…