Incident 66/2016 – Aug. 20th Sat. 15.06 – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A call was received from Yorkshire Ambulance Service to a walker (m, 35) involved in a fall on Whernside, about 1.5 miles from the Hill Inn. Unable to re-contact the caller to clarify the exact location and nature of the injuries, the team responded to Bruntscar, and from there made their way up the east flank of Whernside. Weather conditions were very poor, with high winds, heavy rain and a…

Incident 62/2016 – Aug. 7th Sun. 23.27 – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

Three walkers (f37, f33, m33) having completed Ingleborough as part of a “3 peaks” walk, reported themselves lost in darkness, rain and low cloud during their descent of the hill. They had strayed a little way off the path near to Sulber, but were found by a CRO team at 1.00am and escorted to their own vehicle parked at Horton in Ribblesdale. Volunteer hours: 20

Incident 57/2016 – Jul. 26th Tue. 14.41 – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A walker (m79) slipped and fell over whilst descending the summit ridge of Whernside. He sustained minor cuts to his head, a rib injury and grazing to his knee. He was cared for by CRO members and carried by stretcher down to Bruntscar for tranfer in a CRO Landrover to a Yorkshire Ambulance Service team at the road head. Volunteer hours 39

Incident 50/2016 – Jul 12th Tue. 13.20 – Giggleswick Scar, Settle, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A climber (m 61) was being lowered from the top of a climb by his belayer when a very large piece of rock became detached from the crag above him. The rock hit his head, caused a suspected fracture of his shoulder and abrasions to his back. He was treated at the foot of the crag by CRO members before being secured in to a stretcher and winched up into…