A climber (m, 34) fell about 6m while bouldering at Attermire Scar. He landed on his bouldering mat and thought he was uninjured apart from some pain in his lower back. A group of walkers came across him and helped keep him warm until a CRO controller arrived to establish the location. A local farmer not only unlocked a gate to allow access but also kindly carried some of the rescue kit to site on his quad, then showed CRO 4 (Honda Pioneer) the best route in. Ground conditions were such that the Land Rovers remained at the road-head. Team members assessed the casualty and gave pain relief, later supplemented by the YAS paramedic who was taken across. Having been immobilised in a vacuum mattress, placed in a casualty bag and put onto a Bell stretcher, the casualty was sledged down a steep slope then wheeled about a kilometre to the road ambulance waiting on Stockdale Lane.,
Volunteer hours: 45