A party of 5 walkers reported themselves stuck on the top of Ingleborough, due to thick cloud, and felt it unsafe to descend. Despite advice by phone from the duty controller, the party refused to leave the summit shelter. A small CRO party was therefore assembled, and despatched to meet the group. Fortunately before the CRO party reached Crina Bottom, the controller was contacted to say that another group were…
Mountain Rescue
Incident 82/2017 – Oct. 21st Sat. 14.15 – Trow Gill, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
A walker (f, 51) slipped on the wet cobbly track, and sustained a fracture to her lower right leg. The team were called to assist, but as the weather conditions were poor, and the casualties party had little to shelter her with, they moved her down to the office of the Ingleborough Show Cave. Team members provided casualty care and conveyed the casualty down to our Depot in Clapham, to…
Incident 81/2017 – Oct. 18th Wed. 15.33 – Above the track to Trow Gill, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
A CRO member driving down towards Clapham, to collect more members for incident no 80, became aware of a quad bike bouncing and rolling down the steep hill towards the track. He reported this on the radio and was joined by a colleague who had been escorting the other members of the school group back to Clapham. While he continued down, for reinforcements, she stayed with the injured and immobile…
Incident 80/2017 – Oct. 18th Wed. 14.10 – Clapham Bents (side of Ingleborough), Clapham, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
A school-girl (10) on an outdoor education residential visit was reported to have fainted, while walking to the side of and well below the Ingleborough to Little Ingleborough path. When she was persuaded to stand up again, she fainted again. A CRO team drove to the bottom of Trow Gill, then walked 2 km up to her party and brought her down to Gaping Gill, by stretcher. An air ambulance flew in…