INCIDENT 59/2019 – July 21st. Sun. 01.02hrs – The Green, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Ambulance Assist

Yorkshire Ambulance Service asked for help in bringing two people (m, ;f, 61) up the riverbank to ambulances waiting on The Green. The pair had been walking from the village to the caravan site and had fallen over a low wall, in the dark, tumbling into Clapham Beck. One, with an apparent shoulder injury, was helped to climb a ladder, up the bank. The other, with face and painful back…

A ringing smartphone

Alert only – Jun 22nd Sat. 03.11hrs – Malhamdale / Littondale, North Yorkshire – Alert only

CRO received a request to assist North Yorkshire Police in the search for a high risk missing person whose car was thought to have been found, empty, in Littondale. This is in the area covered by Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association, so the request was passed over to them. However, the location was then changed to Malhamdale, so the request was passed back. NYP found the misper, fast asleep in…

INCIDENT 45/2019 – June 8th. Sat. 12.02hrs – Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Incident

Yorkshire Ambulance Service received a report of someone having been seen falling from the top of Malham Cove. Having dispatched a road ambulance, rapid response vehicle, HART team and air ambulance, they also called out CRO. Ambulance personnel determined that life was extinct. When North Yorkshire Police’s formalities had been completed, CRO members searched the top of the Cove for any property or evidence, then carried the deceased to a…