Incident 10/2018 – Mar. 11th Sun. 04.25 Providence Pot, Kettlewell, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue

Five cavers (f, 18 – m,25) were reported overdue in Providence Pot, at 21.29 on Saturday. The afternoon’s rain had melted snow, causing a rapid rise in stream levels. Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association attended and began a search of the Dow – Providence system, later asking CRO to ‘stand by’ and report availability of caving members. At 04.25 on Sunday, UWFRA asked CRO to assist in the search. Four…

Incident 88/2017 – Dec. 8th Fri. 09.00 – Ewes Top Moss Pot, Scales Moor, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue

The team were contacted by North Yorkshire Police, and asked to conduct a search of the ground, sinkholes and potholes on Scales Moor, in connection with the search for a missing person. A team member entering Ewes Top Moss Pot discovered the body of a caver (m, 68). After notifying the police and receiving direction from them, team members recovered the caver’s body from the pothole, and then conveyed him…

Incident 71/2017 – Sep. 12th Tue. 11.32 – White Scar Cave, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue.

A visitor (m,65) collapsed with chest pains, just over half-way along the show cave. After monitoring and treatment by paramedics from Yorkshire Ambulance Service and North West Air Ambulance, he was packaged by CRO members, then carried, by stretcher to the road ambulance outside. As CRO members stood down, the paramedics were checking him again, to determine which ambulance would take him to hospital. Volunteer hours: 17

Incident 60/2017 – Aug. 14th Mon. 11.38 – Gaping Gill, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue.

A caver was reported to have sustained serious head and chest injuries in the Main Chamber of Gaping Gill (Cause of injury not yet known to CRO.), but when the duty controller obtained up-to-date information he had been recovered to the surface by pot-hole club winch and was being sheltered in a nearby shake-hole. An air ambulance was able to land close to the casualty, before team members had set…