A pot-holer reported that a sheep had fallen down Fluted Hole and appeared uninjured, but was too heavy for him to rescue, alone. A small team went up onto Newby Moss, extricating the sheep from 18m down and releasing it onto the fell. Volunteer hours: 8
Animal Rescue
Incident 32/2017 – May 20th Sat. 15.26 – The Allotment, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue
An 11-year old Labradoodle dog was reported to be exhausted on a walk between Clapham and Horton in Ribblesdale. A team vehicle, with four members on board, was sent to assist. With some coaxing, ‘Sydney’ tottered on to within a short distance of a decent vehicle track. He was carried to the team vehicle and transported to Clapham for a drink and feed. That left two people to set off…
Incident 22/2017 – Apr. 19th Wed. 11.02 – Great Knott, Gordale, Malham, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.
North Yorkshire Police passed on a message that two new-born lambs were stuck down a mine shaft, near Gordale House, Malham. CRO caving members were unable to descend very far into the awkward and narrowing natural rift in the limestone bedrock and were unable to see or hear anything. The lambs’ owners and CRO members concluded that the ewe had given birth on a grassy ledge above the fissure and that any new-born lamb(s)…
Incident 6/2017 – Jan 21st Sat. 10.15 – Scar Top, nr. Giggleswick, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.
The team were called by North Yorkshire Police to go to the aid of a sheep which had been crag fast for over 36 hours. The sheep was located on a narrow ledge approximately 10m above ground level. A team member descended by rope to the ledge from above, and the sheep was ‘encouraged’ to retrace its route up a narrow cleft to the field above. Volunteer hours: 4