Incident 72/2017 – Sep. 21st Thu. 14.36 – Colt Park, Ingleton, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.

Following a search of mixed grassland and limestone pavement by farmers and local volunteers from Natural England, an in-calf, pedigree heifer was reported missing from a small herd near Colt Park, Ribblehead. A further search of woodland and mixed terrain by farmers and CRO members yielded no result, so the search area was widened with CRO’s first use of a drone-mounted video camera. As the search continued, one of the…

Incident 58/2017 – Aug. 8th Tue. 15.20 – Near Gaping Gill, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.

A dog owner reported to North Yorkshire Police that his dog had fallen down a pot near Gaping Gill. A small team was assembled to go to the assistance of the dog, but just as they left our Depot, a call was received from a team member at Ingleborough Cave to say that the dog had been successfully recovered by his owner, and our services were no longer required. The…