A caver (f, 34) walking in Wellington boots from Gaping Gill back to Clapham, slipped on the rocky path above Trow Gill, sustaining a painful ankle injury. The initial call-out message suggested that the casualty was at the entrance to Ingleborough Cave, so only a small team was called out. This situation was remedied as soon as her true position was known. YAS paramedics and team members splinted the injured…
Author: CRO3
INCIDENT 70/2019 – Aug 11th. Sun 07.05hrs – River Kent, near Sedgwick, Cumbria – Water Incident
Following a report of someone in the River Kent, near Sedgwick, five members of CRO’s swiftwater rescue team and the Duty Controller went to assist Kendal MRT (as did corresponding members of Duddon and Furness MRT) in supporting the statutory emergency services’ investigation. As the investigation proceeded, it became clear that the MR presence was no longer required and the teams were stood down. Volunteer Hours: 27
INCIDENT 69/2019 – Aug 10th. Sat 13.55hrs – Flood Entrance, Gaping Gill, Clapham. North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue
A caver (m, 20) was reported by Craven Pothole Club (operating the GG winch) to be hung up on the rope in SE Pot. He had gone too low on a re-belay and had been unable to return. However, he was rescued by CPC members, escorted to the Main Chamber and winched up to the surface, before CRO members arrived. He was slightly hypothermic, so was sheltered and given warm…
INCIDENT 68/2019 – Aug 9th. Fri 20.49hrs – Top of Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A walker (m, 61) reached the top of Malham Cove, but, immediately on arrival, slipped on the wet limestone pavement, injuring his hip or upper leg in such a way that he could not stand. Immediately after a CRO controller and YAS ambulance personnel arrived at the road-head, an air ambulance (YAA) flew in and landed quite close to the casualty site. After attention from the ambulance personnel, CRO members…