Incident 31/2017 – May 20th Sat. 14.33 – North of High Birkwith, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

A Three Peaks walker (f,24) slipped or tripped, sustaining an ankle injury. One of her companions back-tracked about 500m to where two CRO members were staffing a checkpoint on the annual ‘CRO Challenge’ event. A team vehicle was sent, pain relief administered and the ankle splinted, before all were taken to meet an ambulance at Horton in Ribblesdale. Volunteer hours: 6

Incident 30/2017 – May 13th Sat. 23.23 – Descent from Ingleborough, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.

Two Three Peaks walkers (f,36; f,26) reported themselves lost and exhausted on the descent from Ingleborough, towards Horton in Ribblesdale. A small team of CRO members made a rapid search of the suspected area, soon found the ‘missing’ pair and accompanied them, painfully slowly, to a member’s car, waiting near the walking route. Volunteer hours: 12

Incident 29/2017 – May 13th Sat. 16.57 – Simpson’s Pot, West Kingsdale, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue.

Two cavers descended Simpson’s Pot, intent on a ‘pull-through’ trip to Valley Entrance. One (m, 59) was unable to pass the constriction at the bottom of Slit Pot and was unaware of, or unable to climb up to the alternative way on. He remained there, while his companion went out for help. A CRO team went in from Valley Entrance, climbed above the caver and helped him to by-pass the…

Incident 28/2017 – May 11th Thu. 13.02 – Long Churn Cave, Selside, North Yorkshire – Cave Rescue.

A caver (m, 47) slipped at the middle entrance to Long Churn and, in saving himself from a more severe fall, put out his arm, which caused him to dislocate a shoulder. He then walked up to the upper entrance, hoping that rest would aid recovery. The pain worsened, so he rang for help. The first CRO member on scene assessed the injury, then began assisting the casualty down the…