A lamb was reported to be stranded on a ledge, 8m down into the open pot-hole. A small team rescued the lamb and re-united it with its mother. Volunteer hours: 6
Incident 21/2018 – May 13th Sun. 10.09 Near Gaping Gill, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A walker (f,67) sustained severe bruising to her shins when falling as she walked. After being assessed by a team member attending the Gaping Gill Winch meet, a team vehicle was requested to transport the woman off the hill, and back to Clapham. Volunteer hours: 8
Incident 20/2018 – May 10th Thu. 19.15 Shout Scar, Thornton in Lonsdale, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue
A passer-by reported that a lamb was stranded on a ledge on Shout Scar, Kingsdale. The duty controller went to investigate, but couldn’t quite reach the lamb. While two other members were en route to assist,the duty controller found that if he changed position, he could just reach, so he grabbed the animal and returned it to its mother. Volunteer hours: 5
Alert – May 8th Tue. 16.13 Gaping Gill area, Clapham, North Yorkshire – Alert only
Two 13-year old students (f) were reported missing from a school group between Gaping Gill and Ingleborough Cave. However, just as the duty controller was telephoning North Yorkshire Police’s Force Control Room for more information, they were reported to have been found. Volunteer hours: Negligible.