Incident 07/2016 – February 19th Fri. 15.47. – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two walkers undertaking the 3 peaks walk reported themselves in difficulty and frightened near the summit of Whernside (the second peak).  Conditions on the day included some snow showers and heavy rain. Following a discussion with them on their mobile phone and the use of SARLOC to obtain a GPS location for them, a Land Rover and team members were dispatched to collect the pair. Volunteer hours: 15  

Incident 06/2016 – February 7th Sun. 18.43. – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two Three Peaks walkers (m,26 m,25), having walked up past CRO members as they were treating the patient in the previous incident, continued to the summit, where they were overwhelmed by a blizzard. After their 999 call had been received, it was not possible to contact them to clarify their position. Once the previous patient was safely in the Land Rover, four CRO members returned up the hill and searched…

Incident 05/2016 – February 7th Sun. 16.24. – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

A walker (f,65) was reported to have slipped and broken an ankle ‘three-quarters of the way up Ingleborough, from Chapel le dale’ (She had actually just descended the steep path, down to Humphrey Bottom.) She was soon located, given pain-relief, splintage and a heated waistcoat, before being evacuated by stretcher in what was developing into a blizzard. She was then taken by CRO Land Rover to the road-head, for transfer…

Incident 04/2016 – January 30th Sat 14. – Attermire Scar, Settle, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Just as the team arrived on scene at the previous incident, another call was received to a casualty (f, 19) with a lower leg injury. One of the responding vehicles was diverted to this second casualty, and further personnel were mobilised from the teams base at Clapham. The team were directed to the casualty by other members of her party. The team administered first aid, and then stretchered the casualty…