A caver reported a lamb at the bottom of the 15m open shaft of Fluted Hole. A small CRO team confirmed this and rescued the animal, then, because it did not appear to be in tip-top condition, took it back to Bleak Bank Farm for attention. Volunteer hours: 12.
Animal Rescue
Incident 54/2016 – Jul. 17th Sun. 17.51 – Hull Pot, Horton in Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue.
A sheep was reported to have fallen into Hull Pot. However, as the duty controller was recruiting a small team to rescue it, there was another call. There is plenty of herbiage in Hull Pot, so the sheep rescue was postponed until the following morning.
Incident 44/2016 – Jun 18th Sat. 10.30 – Fern Pot, Newby Moss, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue
A fell-runner reported seeing a lamb, about 10m down into Fern Pot, but couldn’t recover it safely, on his own. A small team was able to do this and, with no ewe taking an interest, returned the lamb to its owner. Volunteer hours: 8
Incident 40/2016 – Jun 7th Mon. 17.55 – Dike Green, Ribblesdale, North Yorkshire – Animal Rescue
The team were contacted by a farmer who had a lamb trapped in a small culvert, and was unable to extricate it. A small party of team members was dispatched to attempt the recovery. The lamb was stuck in a 15″ diameter disused culvert, where it had gone to seek some shade, and then got stuck, moving deeper underground, as it was unable to turn around. Attempts to hook the…