The team were called by Yorkshire Ambulance Service to a walker (m,62) with an ankle injury. When the first team member arrived on scene, it was discovered that the walker had been found by a local farmer, and given a lift back to his own car in Horton, from where he was going to make his own way to hospital for treatment. Team members were therefore stood down whilst still…
Incident 72/2016 – Sep. 7th Wed. 20.09 – Malham Cove, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
The team were called by North Yorkshire Police to assist officers with a vulnerable person. A CRO vehicle with team members on board attended, and provided assistance to the officers on scene. Volunteer hours: 14
Incident 71/2016 – Sep. 3rd Sat. 21.07 – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
Concern was expressed for two Three Peaks walkers (f, f, ‘mid twenties’) descending to Sulber Nick, one in trainers and with a twisted knee. Their car was found still to be in Horton car park, so a call-out was initiated. As a CRO vehicle was on its way from Clapham to Sulber Cross-roads with two small search groups a third group, preparing to walk up from Horton, found that the…
Sep. 3rd Sat. 20.55 – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Alert only.
Another Three Peaks walker was reported to have set off to climb Ingleborough at 16.20 and was described as inexperienced, boots and gloves soaked through when he set off and had no torch. He was found by his own companions, just before another call . . . . . . Volunteer hours: 1/3 ?