A pregnant ewe had been seen on a ledge on the former quarry at Mealbank, but was left for a day or two to find its own way off, as it became hungry. When this did not happen, the farmer asked for CRO’s assistance. Unfortunately the sheep was more frightened of its rescuer than of the drop from high on the quarry face and leapt off, as he abseiled over…
INCIDENT 43/2020 – Jul. 30th Thu. 19.14hrs – Un-named shake-hole, Little Ingleborough – Animal Incident
A member of the walking party involved in incident no 42 said that they had seen a sheep, stuck in a shake-hole near the path down from Ingleborough to Little Ingleborough. Having turned out for one incident, a small group of team members agreed to stay out and rescue the sheep, rather than go home, then turn out again the following day. The team’s Honda Pioneer took them up the…
INCIDENT 30/2020 – Jul. 1st Wed. 15.01hrs – Fife Pot, Newby – Animal Incident
A report was received of a sheep ‘stuck down a hole . . to the right of Pillar Holes’ on Newby Moss, Ingleborough. Four members, including two new members, carried out the rescue as a training exercise during the evening, rescuing the sheep from 15m down in Fife Pot. As farmers had cleared the fell of sheep, during the afternoon, this sheep was taken by trailer to the nearest farm…
INCIDENT 27/2020 – Jun. 22nd Mon. 17.38hrs – Open pot-hole, next to Fern Pot, Newby – Animal Incident
A report was received that there was a sheep trapped in a pot-hole in the Long Kin West area of Ingleborough. A small team located and rescued it, noting that it was soon grazing again. Volunteer hours: 12