Attached below are links to media briefings regarding the British involvement in the Thailand Cave Rescue, issued by the British Cave Rescue Council. Any press enquiries should be directed as detailed in the briefing notes. Briefing Note 6 July 2018 Briefing Note 5 July 2018 Briefing Note Supplement 2 July 2018 Briefing Note 2 July 2018 Briefing Note 28 June 2018
General News
Monday 4th June 2018 – a long day!
‘Rescue 2018’ now available online
You can now view our latest Annual Report on line here. Rescue 2018 gives details of our fundraising efforts, achievements and accounts as well as incidents attended throughout 2017. However, it’s a much better read ‘in the flesh’, so pick up a copy in the local area, where it’s available from pubs, shops and of course our base, The Depot, in Clapham.
Meanwhile, back at Mealbank Quarry . . . . .
. . . . . the ewe was waiting patiently on its ledge. So, after a quick snack (for some of us), it was off to Ingleton. The ewe was seen to be about six metres up from the quarry floor, but there was neither easy access up to it nor space to wrestle it safely into its rescue bag while un-roped, so a team member abseiled down from the…