A walker (f, 42) slipped on wet rocks at the beck edge, between the two waterfalls in Gordale Scar, sustaining a painful shoulder injury. Having been given pain relief and with her shoulder immobilised, the patient was able to walk up to the top of the Scar with assistance and encouragement from team members. She was helped into the waiting air ambulance for the flight to hospital. …
Mountain Rescue
Incident 17/2018 – Apr. 18th Wed. 13.24 Nr Pecca Falls, Ingleton Waterfalls Trail, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A walker (f, 82) was reported to have fainted near Pecca Falls on the Ingleton Waterfalls Trail. CRO members arrived, to find YAS paramedics already on scene. The patient, who was fully conscious, was put into a casualty bag on a lightweight stretcher, then carried to a team vehicle, just above ‘Tom’s Cabin’. She was then driven to the road-head and transferred to a YAS road ambulance. Volunteer hours: 24
Incident 16/2018 – Apr. 17th Tue. 12.00 Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
A walker (m, 87) was reported to have collapsed ‘half-way up Whernside’. The first CRO members to arrive found him just above the wall at 525m. An assessment by team casualty carers suggested that he had recovered well, so he was stretchered down to a team vehicle, then driven to the road-head. As a precaution, he was taken for a thorough hospital check-up by YAS road ambulance. Volunteer hours: 37…
Incident 14/2018 – Apr. 1st Sun. 21.09 Sulber Area, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue
Two walkers (f59, m58) reported themselves lost ‘after the shooting hut’ on the descent to Horton from Ingleborough summit, and requested that someone call them back with instructions for the route. Repeated attempts to contact them on the number given were unsuccessful, so three small search parties were tasked from Crummackdale, Horton and Borrins to try and locate them. Unfortunately, the number given by the caller was for the wrong…