Incident 25/2016 – April 30th Sat. 13.15 – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two competitors in the annual Three Peaks Race were in difficulty in bitterly cold conditions, at the summit of Whernside, one with apparent hypothermia, the other with a loss of sensation in the left leg. The marshall called for CRO assistance and a team met the cold runner, who was already descending. The other runner made his own way down to Chapel-le-dale and both then retired from the race. Volunteer…

Incident 09/2016 – February 20th Sat. 18.27 – ‘It’s a cracker!’, Leck Fell, Lancashire – Cave Rescue

Three cavers (m,19; m,21; f,21) were left underground on a Boxhead Pot to It’s a cracker! exchange trip when they missed their way and were inadvertently overtaken by the de-rigging party. Those returning to the surface were adamant that everyone was out, so a fell search was begun. A CRO party also went underground and found the missing people, cold but otherwise unharmed. A Maritime & Coastguard Agency helicopter set…

Incident 06/2016 – February 7th Sun. 18.43. – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue

Two Three Peaks walkers (m,26 m,25), having walked up past CRO members as they were treating the patient in the previous incident, continued to the summit, where they were overwhelmed by a blizzard. After their 999 call had been received, it was not possible to contact them to clarify their position. Once the previous patient was safely in the Land Rover, four CRO members returned up the hill and searched…