A call was received from Yorkshire Ambulance Service to a walker (m, 35) involved in a fall on Whernside, about 1.5 miles from the Hill Inn. Unable to re-contact the caller to clarify the exact location and nature of the injuries, the team responded to Bruntscar, and from there made their way up the east flank of Whernside. Weather conditions were very poor, with high winds, heavy rain and a cloud base of approximately 250m asl, so the air ambulance was unable to assist.
The casualty was located on the steep section just below the ridge, and assessed and treated by team casualty carers for a shoulder injury. As the casualty was very cold, and unable to walk, he was stretchered down to Bruntscar to a waiting team ambulance, and then transported to the Hill Inn for transfer to a road ambulance and transport to hospital. Volunteer hours: 56