Three walkers (f37, f33, m33) having completed Ingleborough as part of a “3 peaks” walk, reported themselves lost in darkness, rain and low cloud during their descent of the hill. They had strayed a little way off the path near to Sulber, but were found by a CRO team at 1.00am and escorted to their own vehicle parked at Horton in Ribblesdale. Volunteer hours: 20
Author: croorgadmin
Incident 58/2016 – Jul. 26th Tue. 19.53 – Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
Two walkers (f,30 m,32) reported themselves lost on Ingleborough whilst trying to get back to Clapham. Contact was eventually established with them, and using Sarloc, their location was eventually confirmed as being Stone House, Selside. The pair were picked up and transported back to their car in Clapham. Volunteer hours: 5
Incident 57/2016 – Jul. 26th Tue. 14.41 – Whernside, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
A walker (m79) slipped and fell over whilst descending the summit ridge of Whernside. He sustained minor cuts to his head, a rib injury and grazing to his knee. He was cared for by CRO members and carried by stretcher down to Bruntscar for tranfer in a CRO Landrover to a Yorkshire Ambulance Service team at the road head. Volunteer hours 39
Incident 56/2016 – Jul. 23rd Sat. 20.26 – Sulber Nick, Ingleborough, North Yorkshire – Mountain Rescue.
A walker (f,40) was reported by a fellow walker to be unable to walk further, having nearly completed the 3 Peaks Challenge. A CRO vehicle with 2 team members went to the location given at Sulber Nick crossroads, and found the walker to be tired and with extremely painful knees. As the casualty was being put in the vehicle, a second walker (m,48) was found nearby, who was similarly incapacitated. As…